Retouch™ for Pyramix
- the science of eliminating coughs, scuffs, page turns, creaky piano pedals, and even car horns
- Once identified, unwanted sounds are replaced seamlessly with audio that matches the surrounding signal. All other audio remains untouched.
- Retouch is available for all models of Pyramix, operates at high sample rates, and offers 64-bit internal resolution.

Declick for Pyramix
- an ideal complement to CEDAR's range of real-time click- and crackle- removal processes.
With both manual- and auto- declicking capabilities, CEDAR for Pyramix 64 performs at high speed without sacrificing CEDAR quality, and addresses the widest possible range of scratch and click removal problems.

Decrackle for Pyramix
- digging deeper to eliminating crackle and other problems
CEDAR decrackle for Pyramix doesn't only remove the tiny clicks, crackles and "grunge" from vintage discs and vinyl LPs... it removes many types of buzz, and can be extremely effective at reducing amplitude distortions.

Dethump for Pyramix
- restoring low frequency thumps of up to 100,000 samples duration
Dethump uses the data in and around the damaged signal to build up a picture of what the low frequency data should have been had the thump not occurred. The process then replaces the thump with restored low frequency audio, leaving the undamaged high frequency audio unaffected.

Dehiss for Pyramix
Automatic dehissing that really works
CEDAR dehiss is a fully-featured package for cleaning up audio for post, CD and DVD mastering, soundtrack restoration, broadcast, and sound archives.