VB-Audio - C10-Limiter, D10-Limiter, C10-Limiter DXD
C10, relying on the perfect extraction of 10 frequency bands, is similar to a 10-channel mixing console. On each lane, you'll find a compressor, a limiter and many other types of processings. The principle on which D10 works is the same as C10 in every respect. Appart from the compressors which, here, are de-compressors, the way you use it remains identical; GUI elements and functions are similar, the only changing aspect will be, perhaps, the colour of the GUI.
The C-10 Limiter
The MultiBand Compressor
Thanks to its design, to the quantity of available functions and the amount of processing possibilities, C10 brings unprecedented precision and power, uncompromising quality and musicality, perfect command and control over processings.
Concept The principle on which C10 works is simple : 10 frequency bands are extracted - here, we're talking about 10 octaves, actually - and then processed separately through different processing units (delay, pan, phase correlation control, compressors, gain, limiter). The resulting signal is then rebuilt through the simple remixing of our 10 processed tracks. |
Per Band Processing : Each extracted band is looked upon as a channel-strip like those you would find on a virtual mixing console. Below is a detailed description of one of these mixer strips, showing you the set of processings that you can apply onto each of the 10 bands available in C10. |
C10's measuring tools : C10 features a very comprehensive screen with measuring tools allowing you to assess what is going on for each band, regarding levels as well as phase characteristics (in stereo). Because it offers two display windows (top and bottom : see below), it allows you to keep an eye on a fair amount of information at the same time. The main part of the user interface (see here on the right) allows you to set the different parameters that will modify the way measures are displayed (MIN, MAX, Max Gain Reduction) as well as how they will be performed. |
C10's Powerful Interface The FULLBOARD button opens C10's console GUI enabling access to all bands as if you were in front of a 10-channel mixing board. The MUTING interface displays the button-matrix shown below : |
If you imagine 10 bands onto which you can apply 8 different effects - input gain (Gain IN), phase correlation control (Cor. Phase), phase shifting (L/R), delay, stereo balance setting (Panoramic), compression, post-gain compression (Gain Out) and, at last, a limiter - then you can also imagine the above matrix, where processings appear on the vertical axis and frequency bands on the horizontal axis, giving you the possibility to de-activate/re-activate one single processing for a particular band or for all bands at once, or even all processings at once for a particular band. |
The D-10 Limiter
The reverse function of C10 :
de-compression !
With D10, get your lost dynamics back and start again on good groundings for your re-mastering or audio restoration works. When nothing can help you get more power and make your master-tape sound, it is often because the original signal is squashed and flattened. The sound remains monolithic and any attempt to improve it, even with just a simple EQ, eventually leads to signal deterioration.
Then, now, you need a 10-band de-compressor : D10
Concept The principle on which D10 works is the same as C10 in every respect. Appart from the compressors which, here, are de-compressors, the way you use it remains identical; GUI elements and functions are similar, the only changing aspect will be, perhaps, the colour of the GUI. Let's simply explain what is de-compression compared to compression : |
Compression On the transfer graph below (showing output level according to input level) you can see a standard compression curve. When it reaches threshold (here, -20 dB), the sound is compressed according to a ratio (here, 2:1 because the 20-dB input signal has been reduced to a 10-dB output signal). Compression, as its name implies, produces a loss in dynamics, that is to say a lowered output level (here, the output signal is reduced by 10 dB).
 The "auto make-up gain" function allows you to get the original signal level back by increasing the output level after it has been compressed. Here, the theoretical gain of +10 dB allows you to bring the output signal back to 0 dB.
De-Compression On the transfer graph below (showing output level according to input level) you can see a standard de-compression curve. When it reaches threshold (here, -20 dB), the sound is de-compressed according to a ratio (here, 1:2 because the 20-dB input signal has been increased to a 40-dB output signal). De-compression, as its name implies, produces a gain in dynamics, that is to say an increased output level (here, the output signal is increased by 20 dB).
The "auto make-up gain" function allows to get the original signal level back, but, this time, by lowering the output signal after it has been de-compressed. Here, the theoretical gain of -20 dB allows you to bring the output signal back to 0 dB.
D10's measuring tools : D10 features a very comprehensive screen with measuring tools allowing you to assess what is going on for each band, regarding levels as well as phase characteristics (in stereo). D10's measuring tools are similar to C10's and follow the same concepts. The difference lies in the fact that, here, de-compression is not a softening of sound but the opposite : a gain. Therefore, the de-compression level indicator (blue on the figure below) goes from bottom to top. |
Tech Specs
Plug-in Name : Processing Type : Possible Routing : Usual Routing : |
C10-Limiter. Dynamic 10 bands. Insert (Strip or BUS) Master. |
Hardware Requirement
PC Set-up (min) : Memory Set-up (min) : Screen Set-up (min) : Options / remarks : PC Set-up (recommanded) : Memory Set-up (recommanded) : Screen Set-up (recommanded) : |
Intel Pentium© 200MHz. RAM 64Mb. 800x600 (16bits colors min). - Intel Pentium©III 500MHz. RAM 128Mb. 1024x768 (16bits colors min). |
Inputs / Outputs
Inputs : Data Type : Supported SampleRate : Outputs : Data Type : Supported SampleRate :
Mono or Stereo float IEEE32 44100 Hz to 96kHz. Same as Inputs Same as Inputs Same as Inputs
Parameter's Limit
In Gain : Delay : Phase correlation : Compression Ratio : Threshold : Attack Time : Release Time : Gain before limiter : Limiter :
-24 db to +24db. 0 to 200ms. Mono to Stereo. 1 to 8. -30 db to -3db. 0 to 100ms. 0 ro 500ms. -24 db to +24db. 0 to -30db. |
D-10 Limiter
Plug-in Name : Processing Type : Possible Routing : Usual Routing : |
D10-Limiter. Dynamic 10 bands. Insert (Strip or BUS) Master. |
Hardware Requirement
PC Set-up (min) : Memory Set-up (min) : Screen Set-up (min) : Options / remarks : PC Set-up (recommanded) : Memory Set-up (recommanded) : Screen Set-up (recommanded) : |
Intel Pentium© 200MHz. RAM 64Mb. 800x600 (16bits colors min). - Intel Pentium©III 500MHz. RAM 128Mb. 1024x768 (16bits colors min). |
Inputs / Outputs
Inputs : Data Type : Supported SampleRate : Outputs : Data Type : Supported SampleRate :
Mono or Stereo float IEEE32 11000 Hz to 96kHz. Same as Inputs Same as Inputs Same as Inputs
Parameter's Limit
In Gain : Delay : Phase correlation : De-compression Ratio : Threshold : Attack Time : Release Time : Gain before limiter : Limiter :
-24 db to +24db. 0 to 200ms. Mono to Stereo. 1 to 8. -30 db to -3db. 0 to 100ms. 0 to 500ms. -24 db to +24db. 0 to -30db.