
Schoeps WMS Foam-Type Windscreen for für AMS 22, UMS 20, RCY, SGMSC, HSGMSC, CMXY


Schoeps WMS Foam-Type Windscreen for für AMS 22, UMS 20, RCY, SGMSC, HSGMSC, CMXY

This winds­creen has a gray po­rous vel­vet-li­ke sur­fa­ce tre­at­ment. It is de­si­gned so that con­ven­tio­nal M/S set­ups (AMS 22, UMS 20) as well as most mi­ni­a­ture mi­cro­pho­ne ar­ran­gements for M/S (RCY, SGMSC, HSGMSC) and also the X/Y microphone CMXY can be pro­tec­ted from mild wind.
For its small di­men­sions, the WMS of­fers re­mar­ka­ble ef­fecti­ve­ness with relatively little adverse effect on the sound quality.

  • close-speech guard and windscreen for M/S stereo
19 304 Ft
(15 200 Ft excl VAT)
5 5 1 Product